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美西(GMT -7) 2023/12/04 18:00-2024/01/15 20:00
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US$ 50 USD
《在愛中成為自己》讀書會 B




問家人想吃什麼,問過自己想吃什麼嗎? 發生什麼,你捨不得把錢花在自己身上?







未命名設計 (6)























♥️ 練習「身體掃描」,純粹感覺身體:覺察全身各個部位,想像自己的注意力是一臺掃描機,從頭到尾進行掃描,不帶任何評判與情感,單純感受身體各部位狀態──沒有感覺也是一種感覺。

♥️ 安排「知止日」:每週挑選一天作為「知止日」,這一天不跟外界連結,不安排社交活動,只與自己連結,盡可能獨處,做喜歡的事。

♥️ 練習「立如松」:全身直立的「立如松」動作,得以感受「停」的美妙,讓原本散亂的思緒和身心「歸於中心」,為生活的過渡階段做好準備。





Po 7



第一章 走在成為自己的路上

第二章 身體中心的覺察

第三章 情感中心的覺察

第四章 理智中心的覺察

第五章 在愛中成為自己


 三中心理論探討 、體驗活動、能量感知練習、色彩遊戲體驗、自由書寫等。

一、 認識葛吉夫第四道及腦心腹三中心的理論。

二、 透過幸福覺察小練習,培養自我覺察與自我對話的能力。

三、 認識自己,接納自己,成為自己,愛上完整的自己。





黃詩君 / Jessie huang



“Loving Yourself into Wholeness” Book Club (5 sessions)
Speaker: Jessie Huang

【Course Introduction】

Happiness can be simple?
Have you ever listened to your needs?
Have you ever treated yourself well?
You are scarred, and at a certain moment you feel burdened and unable to move forward no matter what.
This is the time for you to press the pause button, calm your mind, and spend time with the most important person in your life – yourself!
This is a lesson of “awareness” that invites you to explore your mind layer by layer, to look directly at the scars in life and to learn to transform pain.
When conscience and sentiment converge into a stream, life will eventually become more peaceful and gentler.
Transform negative emotions into positive sentiments and have the ability to love and be loved!

★Take care of yourself and walk on the path of “becoming wholeness of yourself”
Jessie, an elementary school teacher and psychological counselor, is full of enthusiasm for teaching and even puts her students before her own life. In 2015, she received a gift of life—stage one lung adenocarcinoma. In order to spend two precious years with the class she just took over, she did not accept the doctor’s advice to have surgery immediately. After two years of delay, fortunately God was kind and her condition did not worsen and she received treatment successfully. But after a serious illness, Teacher Jessie began to ask questions in his mind:
Who I am?
Why does my heart always want to cry?
Do I know myself?
What kind of soul am I?
Is my life worth living?
How do I become myself?

Teacher Jessie started from a series of explorations and practices based on “The Fourth Way” Gurdjieff’s “three centers” – the three major functions that everyone is born with: the physical center, the emotion center and the mind center. She came up with a simple formula, which is “becoming yourself = emotion + mind + body”. This means that when the energy of the body center and emotion center begins to flow, the mind center will also operate more smoothly, bringing harmony and balance to the body, mind and soul.
★Explore the possibility of intimacy with yourself in life
Do you always push away your emotions and let your mind take the lead? Or are you always good at logical analysis but ignore your true feelings? Teacher Jessie tells you that not connecting with emotions does not mean that there are no emotions. Isn’t facing the fragility and struggle in the mind a kind of bravery!
How to practice the balance and awareness of body, emotion, and mind in your life? Teacher Jessie will share with you the experience accumulated over the years…

♥️ Practice “body scanning” and purely feel the body: be aware of all parts of the body, imagine that your attention is a scanning machine, scan from beginning to end, without any judgment or emotion, simply feel the status of each part of the body – no feeling is also a feeling.
♥️ Arrange a “conscientiously stopping day”: Choose one day a week as a “conscientiously stopping day”. On this day, you will not connect with the outside world, do not arrange social activities, only connect with yourself, be alone as much as possible, and do what you like.
♥️ Practice “Stand Like a Pine”: The “Stand Like a Pine” movement with the whole body upright allows you to feel the beauty of “stopping”, allowing your originally scattered thoughts and body and mind to “return to the center” and prepare for the transitional stage of life.

★”Body, emotion, and mind” influence each other and move towards harmony
This is a journey to find your wholeness. The book not only contains incisive opinions and case stories, but also intersperses “Twenty-one happiness awareness exercises”, including: being intimate with yourself, 6A emotional awareness, getting rid of role identification… Each exercise helps us understand how our body, emotion, and mind operate, conflict, and ultimately how to move toward harmony.
This is a wonderful opportunity to fall in love with your wholeness.
Happiness can be very simple!

【Course Outline】
Chapter 1 Walking on the path to becoming your wholeness
Chapter 2 Awareness of the Center of the Body
Chapter 3 Awareness of the Emotional Center
Chapter 4 Awareness of the Mind Center
Chapter 5 Loving yourself into wholeness

[How to proceed with the book club]
Three-center theoretical discussion, experiential activities, energy perception exercises, color game experience, free writing, etc.

【The reward brought by the reading club】
1. Understand Gurdjieff’s theory of the Fourth Way and the three centers of mind, emotion, and body.
2. Cultivate the ability of self-awareness and self-talk through small happiness awareness exercises.
3. Know yourself, accept yourself, become yourself, and fall in love with your wholeness.
4. Learn to focus on love and love each other.

【Speaker Introduction】
Jessie Hhuang

Teacher Jessie, just like her Chinese name, eagers to live like a “poem” and becomes someone beautify like “Jun Zi” (a virtuous person). She allows all kinds of possibilities in life. She can a wild flower on the street side and a tree with blossom. She continues to stay in love and to become an enriched self.


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