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「四堂合報優惠專區」下一代心理健康系列(一)~(四) (4堂)

美西(GMT -7) 04/29 18:00-07/29 20:00
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 32 USD
下一代心理健康系列合報優惠 維成

下一代心理健康系列(一)~(四) 將我們的祝福送給孩子們的四堂課。

近期許多會員期待親子相關課程,以幫助面對孩子無助的狀態下能讓他們看見曙光,舞象特別邀請到青少兒專家陳長聖醫師,為舞象的父母們開辦「下一代心理健康系列(一)~(四)」課程,將給孩子們的祝福放入四堂課中,所以除了能單堂報名也再提供四堂合報優惠價格US $ 32,每堂均有錄影回放三十天,想全系列學習請另選擇「四堂合報優惠專區」: 待補連結

2.四堂合報優惠專區- 合報優惠價 $32 。(合報優惠截止:美西5/27 -18:00 止)

系列(一) 4/29- 依附理論和薩提爾模式給我們的啟示:預防心理創傷、轉化逆境的影響–已結束
系列(二) 5/27- 壓力、焦慮與睡眠:家長和孩子都需要知道的舒壓和好眠方法
系列(三) 6/24- 我的孩子憂鬱嗎?家長對兒少憂鬱的陪伴和照護
系列(四) 7/29- 網路世代的挑戰:預防成癮,跟孩子好好談網路使用


●每堂ZOOM ID &密碼,將於該堂課程開課前公布於會員專區裡的「課程資料」,請課前自行查詢。

系列(一) 4/26 公布ID;影片回放5/29 截止。
系列(二) 5/24 公布ID;影片回放6/27 截止。
系列(三) 6/21 公布ID;影片回放7/24 截止。
系列(四) 7/26 公布ID;影片回放8/29 截止。

1. 幼兒安全依附和人格自主的成長。
2. 孩子的憤怒、和分離焦慮。
3. 面對失落,孩子需要多少哀悼。
4. 在家庭互動中,培養青年的人格健康發展。

1. 壓力是什麼?
2. 壓力如何影響我們的心智和身體?
3. 精神疾病的發展模式:原來都跟壓力相關?
4. 大人、小孩一起做,不用3C的減壓方法
5. 醫學推薦的好眠十招

1. 辨識憂鬱症狀。
2. 看到憂鬱表現底下的內在冰山。
3. 我該怎麼幫助處於憂鬱的孩子。

1. 理解Alpha世代的諸多新挑戰(科技、與社會)。
2. 醫學對於網路成癮的現狀理解。
3. 預防勝於治療,小心網路成癮的前兆。
4. 如何理解孩子依賴網路行為的內在冰山。




同時,青少年們也在感嘆 : 爸媽,你們一點也不懂我?








大約60多年前,英國的精神科醫師John Bowlby等人,根據觀察嬰幼兒與母親的互動,創立了影響至今的依附理論。依附理論認為,在孩童時期,主要照顧者給予嬰孩足夠的安全感之後,孩子才會有探索外在世界的動機與勇氣,而且這樣的關係會被嬰孩內化,而影響日後他的友誼以及愛情關係。




陳長聖醫師是精神科及兒童青少年精神科雙證照醫師,具備成人與兒少的心身醫學知能,目前在台北市的臺安醫院(Taiwan Adventist Hospital)服務。門診服務之餘,他頻繁於華文新聞媒體發表專業內容,也在台北市家庭暴力防治中心、以及不同學校擔任醫學諮詢專家。


(4 Sessions Bundle Registration Discount) Next Generation Mental Health Series (Session 1-4) (4 Sessions)
4/29 (MON) 18:00-20:00 Next Generation Mental Health Series (Session 1-4)

Insights from Attachment Theory and the Satir Model: Preventing Psychological Trauma and Transforming Adversity
Speaker: Lars Changsheng Chen

The Next Generation Mental Health Series (Sessions 1-4) Four courses to give blessings to our children.
Recently, many members have been anticipating parent-child courses to help them see the light amidst their children’s helplessness. Dancing with the Elephant has specially invited Adolescent expert, Dr. Lars Changsheng Chen, to launch the “Next Generation Mental Health Series (Sessions 1-4)”. These four courses will impart blessings to our children, therefore, aside from single-session registration, we will also offer a discounted bundle price of $32 (USD) for all four sessions. Video replays of the sessions will be available for thirty days after each class. For those interested in learning the entire series, please select “Four-session Bundle Discount”: the registration link will be provided later.

You can choose to register according to your needs:
Four Sessions – Register for individual sessions as needed.
Four-session Bundle Discount Section – Bundle price $32 (USD).

Series 1: 4/29 – Insights from Attachment Theory and the Satir Model: Preventing psychological trauma and transforming the impact of adversity
Series 2: 5/27 – Stress, Anxiety, and Sleep: Both parents and children need to know more about stress relief and how to sleep well
Series 3: 6/24 – Is my child depressed? How to care and support children and adolescents who are experiencing depression
Series 4: 7/29 – Challenges of the Internet Generation: Preventing Addiction and how to talk to your children effectively about internet usage

[Course Overview] Series 1 About 60 years ago, British psychiatrist John Bowlby and others conducted research based on observations of interactions between infants and their mothers. They established the Attachment Theory which remains influential to date. According to this theory, when their primary caregivers provide infants with enough security during early childhood, children develop the motivation and courage to explore the external world. Moreover, children will internalize this attachment style which in turn will influence their future friendships and romantic relationships.

Coincidentally, on the other side of the Atlantic, Virginia Satir believed that the family is the first place where learning in human life begins. Our daily behaviors are just the tip of the iceberg, with deeper internal factors lurking beneath the surface. Most of these internal motivations come from our experience of understanding the world as a child.
To help our children, we need to further understand the needs and context beneath their behavior in order to provide more effective assistance. In this lecture, you will learn how to use the Satir Model and apply the knowledge of Attachment Theory to deepen your understanding of your children and adolescents.

【Course Outline】Series (1)
1. Children’s secure attachment and autonomy
2. Children’s anger and separation anxiety
3. How do children cope with loss and how long is the grieving process?
4. Cultivate the healthy personality development of youth in family interactions

【Course Outline】Series (2)
1. What is stress?
2. The effects of stress on our mind and body
3. Mental illness: Are they all related to stress?
4. Adults and children can reduce stress together with the 3C method
5. Ten tips for good sleep recommended by medical experts

【Course Outline】Series (3)
1. Recognize the symptoms of depression
2. See the inner iceberg beneath the manifestations of depression
3. How can I help a child who is depressed?

【Course Outline】Series (4)
1. Understand the various new challenges of Generation Alpha (technology, and society)
2. Current medical understanding of internet or social media addiction
3. Prevention is better than cure; beware of the precursors of internet addiction
4. How to understand the inner iceberg of a child’s Internet-dependent behavior

【Speaker Introduction】
Lars Changsheng Chen

Dr. Lars Changsheng Chen
Personal Biography:
Dr. Chen is dually licensed in adult and child & adolescent psychiatry, with expertise in psychosomatic medicine for both adults and children. He currently serves at Taiwan Adventist Hospital in Taipei City. He serves as a medical consultant at the Taipei City Domestic Violence Prevention Center and various schools.

Dr. Chen has undergone psychodynamic-oriented psychotherapy training at the Songde Branch of Taipei City Hospital , and is one of the few psychiatrists certified in Satir’s Family Therapy Model.


【查詢 ZOOM ID & 課程講義】三步驟

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【線上課程視訊方式 】

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舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



