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美西(GMT -7) 03/10 18:00-19:00
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科學的聲音收驚 君


你小時候被父母帶去過收驚嗎?收驚師父焚香祝禱、口中念誦祝禱詞、手持香在空中比劃,一套包含視覺、嗅覺、聽覺的程序完成,加上民間信仰的加持,啼哭孩兒的三魂七魄似乎就歸位,得到平安 。







好奇嗎?我們竟讓可以幫自己「收驚」?如何依靠我們自己的聲音來進行「聲音調頻」,來幫自己「收驚」,讓我們的心靈神魂能夠安住在自己體內?答案的入口就在 3 月 10 號。





◆同一場域電影中聲音對水、對細胞、對生命共同場域的影響實驗分享~ 短影片


◆介紹Anders Holte和〈藍鯨之夢〉音樂
◆神聖的布農族八部合音 影片
◆現場帶領調頻 〈星辰搖籃曲〉音樂

許嫚烜Hsu Man-hsuan
音樂家專業經歷 與 風潮音樂身體工房品牌,製作、創作、演奏許多身心靈能量音樂 及擔任聲音療癒課程之講師。
嫚烜老師也是「身體工房」音樂總監,多年來與世界各地身心靈工作者一起合作,並擔任多位知名療癒師的音樂製作,包括Yantara Jiro、Hans de Back、Yvonne de Bruijn、楊定一博士、張德芬、郭懷慈…等,並與手風琴演奏家蔡偉靖組成「放風箏樂團」、聲音療癒師陳沛元組成「Oneness 聲波療癒樂團」,持續整合跨界多維的創造性音樂能量,以水晶砵、水晶聲波琴、水晶豎琴、薩滿鼓、古箏、吟唱、頌砵及獨創的療癒音樂,帶領量子聲音動力調頻工作,鼓舞人們回到生命本源天賦的創造動能,打開心,在生活中熱情的創造。
2003 擁抱愛玫瑰
2010 日安波斯菊
2013 絃色流轉
2017 自然音樂原力
2019 春日的呢喃
2019 放風箏同名EP專輯
2023 線上課程:大自然聲波療癒淨化調頻
2023 播客節目:洋蔥!嫚點播
2023 內在旅程-水晶聲波琴療癒
2023 蒂卡波的星空
2024 遙望雪士達山-水晶聲波琴療癒


The Science of Using Voice to Restore Startled Mind:Transform Emotion; Return to Inner Peace (single session)

Instructor: Hsu Man-hsuan

【Course Intro】
This course is suitable for anyone interested in the healing power of sound or exploring the essence of sound. It is also for those who are interested in rediscovering methods to return to the strength of inner calm. All the answers lie within your sacred heart; you don’t need to seek them outside desperately. What you truly need is a way to reclaim the transformative power within yourself. Your voice is the best companion and healing tool bestowed by the divine. We look forward to having you join this course of Sound Frequency Adjustment.

【Course Outline】
From emotional challenges, understand energy and frequency and open the gate of body and mind.
◆ Obtain a comprehensive overview of life journey and the ability to elevate at each stage.

How sound healing can help relieve stress and restore energy in daily life:
◆ Know sound healing instruments in life (crystal harp, crystal bowl, crystal harp, shamanic drum, singing bowl, handpan, gong, etc.) and the force of sound on physical and mental energy.

The power of beliefs and sound: methods to return to the still center of your life.
◆Anywhere in life is nothing but Creation; gather inspiration in your life.
◆ Use sound to raise your spiritual antenna, activating awareness.
◆ Experiment and share the impact of sound on water, cells, and the shared field of life in the same cinematic domain – short film.

Recommended sharing for the 2024 Sound Frequency Online Course:
◆ Introduction to Anders Holte and the music “Blue Whale’s Dream.”
◆ Sacred Bunun Tribe’s eight-part harmony video.
◆ Differences between singing and tuning.
◆ Live-guided tuning of the music “Stellar Lullaby.”

【Instructor Bio】
Hsu Man-hsuan

**Musician’s Professional Background and Feng Chao Music Body Studio Brand:**
Producing, composing, and performing numerous mind-body-spirit energy music and serving as a lecturer for sound healing courses.

Teacher Man-Hsuan Hsu is a music producer at Feng Chao, and a zither and crystal harp performer. She is an all-encompassing musician with roles in production, composition, and performance. Her creative style blends diverse musical genres from ancient to modern. Her works have been nominated for the Golden Melody Awards in “Best Pop Performance Album” and “Best Crossover Music Album,” as well as the Independent Music Awards in the USA. She has been invited to perform at various international world music festivals. Currently, she is a lecturer in the Chinese Music Department (Guqin) at National Chengchi University. She is also an international ABNLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner and serves as a judge for national music competitions and an auditor for programs at the National Theater.

Teacher Man-Hsuan Hsu is also the music director of “Body Studio” and has collaborated with mind-body-spirit workers worldwide for many years. She has undertaken music production for several well-known healers, including Yantara Jiro, Hans de Back, Yvonne de Bruijn, Dr. Yang Ding-yi, Zhang De-fen, Guo Huai-ci, and others. She has formed the “Flying Kite Orchestra” with accordion player Cai Wei-jing and the “Oneness Sound Wave Healing Orchestra” with sound healer Chen Pei-yuan. Continuously integrating creative musical energies across various dimensions, they use crystal bowls, crystal sound wave instruments, crystal harps, shamanic drums, guqin, chanting, singing bowls, and original healing music to lead quantum sound power tuning workshops. They inspire people to return to the creative energy inherent in life, open their hearts, and passionately create in their lives.

In addition, she and her professional team have spent three years and nearly a million TWD to create the new era sound wave healing instrument, the “Crystal Sound Wave Harp.” Through scientific data calculation, testing, and clinical trials by a Canadian natural medicine team, continuous listening for 15 minutes has been proven to result in significant improvement in stress, energy, hydration, oxygen, and other physical and mental indicators, averaging 23.16%, with a remarkable 25% increase in cellular vitality index.

**Past Works:**
– 2003: Embracing Love Roses
– 2010: Good Morning Persian Chrysanthemum
– 2013: String Color Transition
– 2017: Natural Music Origin
– 2019: Whisper of Spring
– 2019: Flying Kite EP Album
– 2023: Online Course – Nature Sound Wave Healing Purification Tuning
– 2023: Podcast Program – Onion! Man’s Request
– 2023: Inner Journey – Crystal Sound Wave Harp Healing
– 2023: Tika Bo’s Starry Sky
– 2024: Gazing at the Snowy Stadha Mountain – Crystal Sound Wave Harp Healing

【Important Notice】
March 10th (Sunday) at 2:00 starts Daylight Saving Time and Winter Time ends. Members in the Asia time zone, please be sure to pay attention to the changes in course time.


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●客服信箱: [email protected]



舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



