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「舞象基金會ICF認證Level 1學程」 說明會(單堂)

美西(GMT -7) 05/22 18:30-20:30
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舞象基金會icf認證level1學程說明會 B





1.欲參加「舞象基金會ICF認證Level 1」於美國舉辦實體課程的學員。



★ Google報名表單 : https://lurl.cc/cf1Gef

※報名截止日期:美西5/22/2024  17:00 止


3.Q & A


「舞象基金會ICF認證Level 1學程」之招生對象為有志取得 ICF(International Coaching Federation)國際教練聯盟  之  ACC(Associate Certified Coach)ACC助理教練認證者。取得本學程的結業證書之學員,即可在取得100小時實際教練經驗後向ICF提出ACC認證申請,再通過ICF Credentialing Exam後即可取得ICF的ACC認證。








這次舞象「ICF認證Level 1學程」說明會,邀請陳茂雄老師親自介紹教練和學程內容。茂雄老師擁有心理諮商師証照,且受訓完成薩提爾專訓,著有《薩提爾的自我覺察練習》、《薩提爾教練模式》兩本和薩提爾相關的暢銷書。茂雄老師把在企業裡高階主管的經驗,結合心理諮商的專業,發展出薩提爾教練模式。

茂雄老師的薩提爾教練模式,像是個外科醫生,由薩提爾冰山解析夥伴在冰山各層次碰到的阻礙; 也像是工程師,檢查程式碼「除錯」(debug)一樣,逐一探索脈絡,幫助夥伴看見盲點,重新選擇,去除卡關。




陳茂雄Kent Chen

陳茂雄先生是少數由企業高階主管轉任為「領導人教練」的國內先驅之一,他多年來致力於協助國內外企業之領導人發揮其最佳潛能,並持續於需要其專長之國內公益團體擔任志工。他曾擔任國際教練聯盟(International Coaching Federation)台灣總會之理事長(2010-2011年),目前是美國管理協會(AMA)的領導人教練與資深顧問。




Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation (ICF)
Stephen Covey「高效人仕的七個習慣」研討會認證引導師
超級DISC優勢分析與潛能發展工具(Extended DISC)認證分析師

陳茂雄曾擔任中華民國行政院研究考核委員會之諮詢委員 (1999~2000),並獲得中華民國企業經理人協會第九屆(1991)「傑出行銷經理」榮譽,著有《薩提爾教練模式》(2015年11月天下雜誌出版)與《薩提爾的自我覺察練習》(2020年9月天下雜誌出版)等二書,且在國內外講授自行開發的兩個課程:「薩提爾教練模式」與「從自我覺察到發揮影響力」。陳茂雄精通國語、台語與英語三種語言。

Mr. Kent Chen is one of the few pioneers who transitioned from a senior corporate executive to an executive coach in Taiwan. Over the years, he has dedicated himself to assisting leaders of domestic and international executive leaders in realizing their highest potential, while also continuing to volunteer for charitable organizations in need of his expertise domestically. He previously served as the Chairman of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Taiwan Chapter (2010-2011) and currently holds positions as a leadership coach and senior consultant for the American Management Association (AMA).

Mr. Kent Chen holds the following degrees from Taiwan and the United States:
Bachelor’s degree in Economics from National Taiwan University (1977)
Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Houston, USA (1980)
Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from National Taipei University of Education (2008)

Before becoming a leadership coach, Mr. Chen accumulated over 20 years of executive leadership experience, notably serving as the General Manager of the Telecommunications and Media Business Group for IBM Greater China. Driven by his interest in studying people, he pursued professional training in counseling psychology. His understanding of the situations faced by leaders and human psychological processes often leads to profound and lasting changes from within for his clients. Many leaders who have been coached by Mr. Chen have not only learned how to change their external behaviors but also how to achieve their goals in work and in their lives through changes in their internal beliefs and emotions. Many leaders further experience transformations in their perspectives, mindset, and values, enabling them to engage more passionately in their work and life.
Mr. Chen has provided coaching services to multinational corporations including IBM, HP, Dell, AMD, Agilent, 3M, Kingston, Accenture, PWC, Mars, Lego, L’Oreal, Pfizer, Bayer, MSD, Takeda, and renowned domestic companies including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Asus, 404 Technology, 104 Corporation, Far EasTone Telecommunications, Foxconn Group, Epistar Corporation, Cheng Shin Rubber, and Wistron Corporation.

He holds the following professional certifications:
Licensed Counseling Psychologist, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation (ICF)
Certified Facilitator for Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
Certified Analyst for Extended DISC (Superior DISC Advantage Analysis and Potential Development Tool)

Mr. Chen served as a consultant for the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan) (1999-2000) and was honored as an “Outstanding Marketing Manager” by the Ninth Chinese Professional Management Association in 1991. He is also the author of two books, “The Satir Coaching Model” (published by CommonWealth Magazine in November 2015) and “From Self-Awareness to Exert Influence” (published by CommonWealth Magazine in September 2020), and has taught two self-developed courses domestically and internationally: “The Satir Coaching Model” and “From Self-Awareness to Exerting Influence.” Mr. Kent Chen is proficient in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English.



蔡明明(Sophia Tsai)

現任:旭立基金會 領導人教練

曾任: 天下雜誌集團 人力資源部 顧問/經理

學歷:國立交通大學工業工程 碩士 / 國立台灣大學心理學 學士


認證:ACC, International Coach Federation (ICF)



丁李衡(Michael Ting)

現任:擁抱心理諮商所諮商心理師 / 企業教練 / 旭立基金會 領導人教練

曾任:張老師基金會諮商心理師 / 台灣輔導與諮商學會秘書長 / 大陸工程(CEC)集團 副總經理 / 保聖那(Pasona)管理顧問公司人資顧問

學歷:國立臺北教育大學心理與諮商碩士 / 美國喬治華盛頓大學企業管理碩士 / 逢甲大學交通工程與管理學士

認證:台灣諮商心理師證照、ICF ACC認證

「Dancing with the Elephant ICF Certification Level 1 Program」 Information Session (Single Session)

Speaker:Kent Chen

【Course Introduction】
The target audience for the “Dancing with the Elephant ICF Certification Level 1 Program” is individuals aspiring to obtain the ACC (Associate Certified Coach) certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a graduation certificate. With a total of 100 hours of practical coaching experience, they can apply for the ACC certification from ICF. After successfully passing the ICF Credentialing Exam, they will obtain the ACC certification from ICF.

【Course Outlines】
This program is a series of Satir coaching courses developed by Teacher Kent Chen, combining executive coaching in the field of corporate management with the Satir model in the field of psychological counseling.

The information session will be conducted by Teacher Kent Chen himself, and the agenda is as follows:

Detailed content of the program
Differentiation and unique aspects of this program compared to similar courses available in the market
Q & A

【Instructor Introduction】

Kent Chen

Mr. Kent Chen is one of the few pioneers in Taiwan who transitioned from a senior executive in the corporate world to becoming an executive coach. Over the years, he has been dedicated to assisting leaders in domestic and international corporations to unleash their full potential. He also continues to volunteer his expertise for domestic nonprofit organizations in need. He served as the President of the Taiwan Chapter of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) from 2010 to 2011 and currently holds positions as a leadership coach and senior consultant with the American Management Association (AMA).

Before becoming an executive coach, Kent Chen had over 20 years of executive leadership experience. He previously served as the General Manager of the Telecommunications and Media Business Group for IBM Greater China. Driven by his interest in people, he pursued formal training in psychological counseling. With his understanding of the situations faced by leaders and human psychological mechanisms, Mr. Chen’s coaching often leads to profound and sustainable changes from within for leaders. Many leaders who have undergone coaching with Kent Chen have not only learned how to change their external behaviors but also learned how to achieve their goals in work and life by changing their internal beliefs and emotions. Many leaders further experience transformations in their perspectives, values, and life meanings, enabling them to engage more passionately in their work and lives.

【Teaching Assistant Introduction】

Sophia Tsai

Current Position: Leadership Coach, Xuli Foundation

Previous Position: Consultant/Manager, Human Resources Department, CommonWealth Magazine Group

Education: Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University / Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from National Taiwan University

Expertise: Training of leadership teams and high-potential employees, career development

Certification: ACC, International Coach Federation (ICF)

【Teaching Assistant Introduction】

Michael Ting

Current Position: Counseling Psychologist at Embrace Counseling Center / Corporate Coach / Leadership Coach at Xuli Foundation

Previous Positions: Counseling Psychologist at Teacher Zhang Foundation / Secretary General of the Taiwan Counseling and Counseling Association / Vice General Manager at CEC Group (China Engineering Corporation) / HR Consultant at Pasona Management Consulting Company

Education: Master’s Degree in Psychology and Counseling from National Taipei University of Education / Master’s Degree in Business Administration from George Washington University, USA / Bachelor’s Degree in Traffic Engineering and Management from Feng Chia University

Certifications: Licensed Counseling Psychologist in Taiwan, ICF ACC Certification


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● 開課日前3天(含)起即不再受理退費、上述計算以實際天數計(含例假日)、舞象基金會有修改之權利。

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●客服信箱: [email protected]



舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



