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美西(GMT -7) 12/02 16:30-12/23 18:00 US$ 25 – US$ 30 USD
返睛復明 眼睛四保 君

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視力的重要性在3 C 盛行的今日,不用再強調。那你想知道如何逆轉惡視力嗎?



它也符合中醫黃帝內經《靈樞.大惑論》中說,「五臟六腑之精氣皆上注於目而為之精。」 就是眼的視覺功能。因此眼睛不是孤立的存在,眼與五臟六腑、經絡筋骨、精神氣血,都有密切的關係。




報名截止時間: 美西2024/12/9-16:30止 ;亞洲2024/12/10-8:30止。







  1. 衛教知識:
  • 了解眼睛的基本構造及其遠離八大惡視力習慣。
  • 解說維生素A、葉黃素及其他營養對眼睛保養的重要性。
  • 探討良好的生活習慣如規律作息、飲食調整對視力保養的作用。
  1. 身體暖身伸展:
  • 進行頸部、肩膀與背部的伸展,釋放上半身壓力,有助於減輕眼睛的負擔。
  1. 按摩:
  • 點按眼周穴位,如睛明穴、攢竹穴、四白穴,促進血液循環,達到舒緩效果。
  1. 眼球運動:
  • 左右、上下、對角線移動眼球,強化眼部肌肉,提升眼睛靈活度。
  1. 眼睛的放鬆法:
  • 進行「掌心輪療癒法」:感受黑暗,享受放鬆,釋放眼壓。




  1. 衛教知識:
  • 解說電子產品對眼睛的傷害及如何有效防止藍光傷害。
  • 介紹20-20-20規則,讓學員養成定期休息眼睛的習慣。
  1. 身體暖身伸展:
  • 加強肩膀、上臂及胸部的伸展,放鬆肩頸區域,減輕長時間坐姿對眼睛的壓力。
  1. 按摩:
  • 使用溫柔的圈按手法,輕壓眉毛和眼下,促進淋巴排毒,減少浮腫。
  1. 眼球運動:
  • 遠近交替注視法:輪流注視近物和遠物,鍛鍊睫狀肌,增強眼睛的調節能力。
  1. 眼睛的放鬆法:
  • 深呼吸閉眼練習:用深層呼吸結合閉眼,將注意力集中於放鬆眼周肌肉,釋放壓力。




  1. 衛教知識:
  • 解說陽光、紫外線、空氣污染對眼睛的潛在危害,強調配戴太陽眼鏡的重要性。
  • 介紹適合的室內照明及屏幕亮度,減少眼睛疲勞。
  1. 身體暖身伸展:
  • 進行全身擴胸運動,提升胸腔開闊度,促進血液循環,保護眼部及全身免受外界壓力影響。
  1. 按摩:
  • 點按太陽穴與頭部周圍的穴位,釋放頭部壓力,間接保護視力。
  1. 眼球運動:
  • 眼睛圓周運動:順時針及逆時針轉動眼球,加強眼部肌肉的穩定性和彈性。
  1. 眼睛的放鬆法:
  • 將冷敷眼罩輕輕覆蓋雙眼,給予眼睛舒緩降溫,減少紅腫和疲勞感。




  1. 衛教知識:
  • 討論年齡增長對視力的影響,介紹如何在日常生活中持續保持良好的視力。
  • 介紹視力檢查的頻率與重要性,確保眼睛健康狀況穩定。
  1. 身體暖身伸展:
  • 重點進行全身伸展與旋轉動作,讓全身放鬆,避免因疲勞而加重眼睛壓力。
  1. 按摩:
  • 採用拉伸眼周肌肉的按摩手法,幫助眼睛保持彈性,減少眼袋和皺紋的形成。
  1. 眼球運動:
  • 閉眼快速眨眼運動,促進淚液分泌,保持眼睛潤澤與清潔。
  1. 眼睛的放鬆法:
  • 借助冥想或深層呼吸,在靜坐狀態下放鬆身心,讓眼睛得到完全的休息與恢復。





  1. **初學者友善**:眼睛瑜珈的動作簡單易學,不需要有任何瑜珈基礎或者高度的體能,是完全適合初學者的健康活動。在專業的指導下,你將能快速掌握所有動作和技巧。
  2. **減輕數位疲勞**:長時間使用電腦和手機,無疑會對眼睛產生巨大壓力。眼睛瑜珈能夠幫助緩解由此產生的視覺疲勞,讓你的眼睛得到休息和恢復。
  3. **提升學習效率**:透過提高注意力和集中力,眼睛瑜珈有助於提高學習效率。適時的眼睛休息和調整,可以使學習更有成效。
  4. **情緒舒緩**:大學生階段壓力可能會增大,眼睛瑜珈不僅有助於眼睛的健康,也有助於情緒的舒緩和壓力的釋放。


Marx Lin 林祺海

靈魂之窗眼睛瑜珈 Amar Eye Yoga Marx 視能訓練師

Amar Eye Yoga授權認證眼球瑜珈教師,2018遠赴印度班加羅爾接受阿育吠陀權威瑜珈醫生Dr.Amajith培訓療癒身體與眼睛,期間同時接受哈達瑜珈(最傳統第一個瑜珈體系)以及Amar Eye Yoga眼睛瑜伽師資訓練,在取得合格國際授權證書後更前往泰國曼谷師姐《最強眼球瑜珈操》作者的自然眼療診所實習。

Marx老師2018年成為印度Amar Eye Yoga授權認證眼睛瑜珈教師,學習結合了紐約眼科醫師威廉貝茲的自然視力療法、哈達瑜珈和阿育吠陀療法的印度眼睛瑜珈。回台後,陸續整合日本、瑞士、美國等地的自然視力療法,並搭配博大精深的中醫、芳療、食療、冥想和各式古老養生功法,成為現在台灣的眼睛瑜珈,關心生理結構層面,也重視心理情感狀態,更全面地讓眼睛瑜珈幫助身心靈改善和提升。

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【Course Introduction】

Promote eye health and achieve bright, clear vision through exercises that focus on daily vision care, maintenance, protection, and preservation. Each session will integrate health education, warm-up exercises to increase oxygen flow, acupressure massage, eye movement exercises, and relaxation techniques for the eyes, providing participants with comprehensive vision care and maintenance.

When the mind is calm and the spirit is focused, energy shifts, healing occurs, and quality improves, allowing one to naturally and effortlessly perceive and experience the path of “eye wisdom”.

【Course Outline】

First Class: “Eye Care”

Topic: Relaxation and Purification – Calming the Body and Mind, Allowing Natural Healing to Occur.


  1. Health Education:
  • Understand the basic structure of the eye and learn how to avoid the eight harmful habits for vision.
  • Explain the importance of Vitamin A, lutein, and other nutrients in eye care.
  • Discuss the role of healthy lifestyle habits, such as maintaining a regular routine and balanced diet, in supporting vision health.
  1. Body Warm-Up and Stretching:
  • Perform stretches for the neck, shoulders, and back to release upper body tension, which helps reduce strain on the eyes.
  1. Massage:
  • Press acupoints around the eyes, such as Jingming, Cuanzhu, and Sibai points, to promote blood circulation and achieve a soothing effect.
  1. Eye Exercises:
  • Move the eyes left-right, up-down, and diagonally to strengthen eye muscles and enhance flexibility.
  1. Eye Relaxation Technique:
  • Practice the “Palming Technique”: Cover the eyes with your palms to experience darkness, relax deeply, and relieve eye pressure.

Second Class: “Eye Health Maintenance”

Topic: Flexibility and Strengthening – Focus with Ease, See Naturally Without Strain.


  1. Health Education:
  • Explain the impact of electronic devices on eye health and ways to effectively prevent blue light damage.
  • Introduce the 20-20-20 rule to help participants build a habit of regularly resting their eyes.
  1. Body Warm-Up and Stretching:
  • Focus on stretching the shoulders, upper arms, and chest to relax the neck and shoulder area, alleviating the strain on the eyes from prolonged sitting.
  1. Massage:
  • Use gentle circular pressing on the eyebrows and under the eyes to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce puffiness.
  1. Eye Exercises:
  • Near-Far Focusing Exercise: Alternate between focusing on nearby and distant objects to strengthen the ciliary muscles and improve eye accommodation.
  1. Eye Relaxation Technique:
  • Deep Breathing with Closed Eyes: Combine deep breathing with closing the eyes, focusing on relaxing the muscles around the eyes to relieve tension.

Third Class: “Protecting the Eyes”

Topic: Mind-Body Relaxation – Enhance Awareness and Mindfulness to Reduce Eye Strain.


  1. Health Education:
  • Explain the potential dangers of sunlight, ultraviolet rays, and air pollution on the eyes, emphasizing the importance of wearing sunglasses.
  • Introduce appropriate indoor lighting and screen brightness to reduce eye strain.
  1. Body Warm-Up and Stretching:
  • Perform full-body chest-opening exercises to enhance chest expansion, improve blood circulation, and protect the eyes and body from external pressures.
  1. Massage:
  • Gently press on the temples and acupoints around the head to release head tension, indirectly protecting vision.
  1. Eye Exercises:
  • Circular Eye Movements: Rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise to strengthen the stability and elasticity of the eye muscles.
  1. Eye Relaxation Technique:
  • Apply a cold compress eye mask gently over the eyes to provide soothing relief, reduce redness, and alleviate fatigue.

Fourth Class: “Maintaining Vision”

Topic: Focused Internalization – Natural Vision, Calm and Effortless Perception.


  1. Health Education:
  • Discuss the impact of aging on vision and introduce ways to maintain good eyesight in daily life.
  • Explain the importance and frequency of eye exams to ensure stable eye health.
  1. Body Warm-Up and Stretching:
  • Focus on full-body stretches and rotation movements to relax the entire body, preventing fatigue from increasing eye strain.
  1. Massage:
  • Use massage techniques to stretch the muscles around the eyes, helping maintain elasticity and reducing the formation of eye bags and wrinkles.
  1. Eye Exercises:
  • Rapid blinking with closed eyes to stimulate tear production, keeping the eyes moist and clean.
  1. Eye Relaxation Technique:
  • Use meditation or deep breathing while sitting still to relax the body and mind, allowing the eyes to fully rest and recover.


These four classes comprehensively cover eye care, maintenance, protection, and preservation, helping participants improve their eye health while learning how to cope with the various visual challenges of modern life.

Why choose「Eye Yoga」?

  1. **Beginner friendly**:The movements in eye yoga are simple and easy to learn, requiring no prior yoga experience or advanced physical fitness. It is a completely suitable health activity for beginners. Under professional guidance, you will quickly master all the movements and techniques.
  2. **Reduce digital fatigue**:Prolonged use of computers and smartphones undoubtedly places significant strain on the eyes. Eye yoga can help relieve the visual fatigue caused by this, allowing your eyes to rest and recover.
  3. **Enhance learning efficiency**:By improving focus and concentration, eye yoga helps boost learning efficiency. Timely eye breaks and adjustments can make learning more effective.
  4. **Relieve emotions**:During the college years, stress can increase. Eye yoga not only benefits eye health but also helps relieve emotions and release stress.

Instructor Introduction
Marx Lin (林祺海)

Amar Eye Yoga Trainer specializing in Eye Yoga and Vision Training
Certified by Amar Eye Yoga for Eye Ball Yoga teaching, Marx Lin traveled to Bangalore, India in 2018 to undergo training under Dr. Amajith, an Ayurvedic authority and yoga doctor, focusing on healing the body and eyes. During this period, he also received training in Hatha Yoga (the most traditional yoga system) and Amar Eye Yoga Eye Yoga teacher training. After obtaining an internationally recognized certificate, he further interned at the Natural Eye Therapy Clinic of the author of “The Strongest Eye Yoga Exercises” in Bangkok, Thailand.

In 2018, Marx Lin became a certified Amar Eye Yoga Trainer in India, combining natural vision therapy from New York ophthalmologist William Bates, Hatha Yoga, and Ayurvedic therapy in Indian Eye Yoga. Upon returning to Taiwan, he integrated natural vision therapy techniques from Japan, Switzerland, the United States, and other countries, along with profound knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, aromatherapy, dietary therapy, meditation, and various ancient health practices. Today, he is known as an Eye Yoga practitioner in Taiwan, emphasizing both physiological and psychological aspects, and strives to comprehensively improve and elevate body, mind, and spirit through Eye Yoga.


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