▲11月5日(Sun)凌晨2點 夏令時間结束,冬令時間開始
美德工程是由琳達·卡維林-波波夫 (Linda Kavelin-Popov)、她的丈夫丹·波波夫博士 (Dr. Dan Popov) 和弟弟約翰·卡維林 (John Kavelin)共同創立。1988 年復活節周末,他們同時關註到孩子對他人和自己日益增加的暴力行為,並決定做些事來減少和抵制不斷上升的孩子對他人和自己的暴力行為。他們堅信,暴力行為只是癥狀,無意義感和無價值感才是疾病。
此外,這五大策略可以運用在多個領域: (1)自我成長,激發所有文化的人連接真實的自己,活出有意義而有價值的人生;(2)家庭養育,喚醒孩子內在的品格,養育出自尊、自信、正直、富有同情心且對自己、家庭和社會有責任感的孩子;(3)學校教育,助力學校創建安全、友愛、團結且益於高效學習的和平環境;(4)領導力,賦能領導者建立信任、尊重、公正、團結且熱情,追求卓越的團隊。
美德工程The Virtues Project 的網站
蔡明 / Ming
[Awakening the Beauty Hidden in Ourselves, Our Children and Others] (Single session)
Speaker: Cai, Ming
【Course Outline】
Inspire the hidden beautiful qualities, including love, confidence, determination, resilience, self-discipline, courage, excellence, responsibility, judgment, creativity, cooperation, service, justice, solidarity in ourselves, our children and others in order to bloom a happy, valuable and meaningful life, and to create a better future world together!
【Course Introduction】
Based on the Virtue Project, combined with education, psychology and Chinese classics, you will learn and experience a systematic, simple, practical and effective five strategies that transform life.
The Virtue Project was co-founded by Linda Kavelin-Popov, her husband, Dr. Dan Popov, and her brother, John Kavelin. Over the Easter weekend of 1988, they were simultaneously concerned about the increasing violence by children toward others and themselves, and decided to do something to reduce and combat the rising violence among children toward others and themselves. They firmly believe that violent behavior is only a symptom and that feelings of meaninglessness and worthlessness are the disease.
So how to help children find the value, meaning and purpose of life? They spent a summer searching for information, researching, and reflecting on insights, and ultimately discovered that virtue is at the center of all cultures and all belief systems.
Virtue Project firmly believes that all children (each of us) are born with all virtues. What parents, teachers and other educators need to do is to awaken/stimulate these inner virtues in children, so that the world can be changed.
The five strategies of the Virtue Project apply to the entire process of life from birth to death. It not only effectively helps us raise confident, kind, loving, responsible global citizens who serve others and society, but also applies to end-of-life care.
In addition, these five strategies can be used in many fields: (1) Self-growth, inspiring people of all cultures to connect with their true selves and to live a meaningful and valuable life; (2) Family parenting, awakening children’s inner character, raising children with self-esteem, confidence, integrity, compassion and a sense of responsibility for themselves, their families and society; (3) School education, helping schools create a safe, friendly, united and peaceful environment conducive to efficient learning; (4) Leadership Strength, empowering leaders to build trust, respect, fairness, unity and enthusiasm, and teams that pursue excellence.
The Virtues Project’s website
【Introduction to Lecturer】
Cai, Ming
A mother of three children possesses multi-disciplinary (biology, law, education, psychology and student leadership and lifelong growth education) and multicultural (Eastern culture and Western culture) educational experience and life background. She not only applies the five major strategies of virtue education that are used in self-growth, raising/educating children, intimate relationships, leadership, etc., but she also creatively integrates it with education, psychology and Chinese classics to design a set of unique transformation courses that combine Chinese and Western elements – empowering you, me and others to connect with their true selves and bloom with the brilliance of life!
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