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美西(GMT -7) 2023/09/08 18:30-20:00
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 10 USD
斷捨離好難 D (1400 × 900 像素) (2)





【斷捨離好難:囤積症簡介】是一堂不一樣的斷捨離課程,跨越行為表象,更要去往內深入探詢: 什麼心理需求導致囤積?囤到什麼程度才算是囤積症?如何對症尋求解決之道?








1) 囤積症的診斷標準和臨床表現
2) 與囤積症相關的生理心理和社會因素
3) 目前有效的臨床介入
4) 如何幫助自己或有囤積傾向的家人朋友

周嘉瑛博士 (Chia-Ying Chou, PhD)

現任舊金山慈心焦點治療中心 (San Francisco Center for Compassion Focused Therapies, SFCompassion) 的所長和臨床心理師。周博士生長於台灣,在取得台灣大學臨床心理碩士學位後,赴英國倫敦學院大學 (University College London, UCL) 鑽研心理創傷並在UCL取得博士學位。

隨後,周博士赴美在加州大學舊金山分校 (University of California, San Francisco) 進行聚焦於囤積症治療的博士後研究。周博士目前的臨床工作聚焦於囤積症和創傷個案的心理治療。

她的治療所是全球少數以囤積症為焦點並整合臨床和研究的心理治療所。除了臨床和研究外,周博士也提供囤積症以及慈悲焦點治療的治療師的訓練和督導,她的工作坊除了在美加和台灣以外,也觸及歐洲對這些主題有興趣的治療師。她的團隊極力於囤積症的去污名和衛教,@bettertreatmentforhoarding 是這些衛教和相關資源的社群媒體,也是她的治療所裡囤積症專屬的部門。


【Course Outline】

Do you or your family and friends have difficulties with letting go, leading to a cluttered or challenging living environment?

Hoarding disorder has been gaining attention in the field of mental health and medicine in the past decade. Not only the general public but also the medical community are still in the early stages of understanding this condition. Many people consider it merely an issue of environment or lifestyle habits, without recognizing it as a significant mental health concern that needs attention. Often, the focus remains on the accumulation of possessions, without improving the condition fromthe underlying psychological aspects.

This lecture aims to introduce what hoarding disorder is, its causes, and coping strategies. It is suitable for you or family members and friends who might be struggling with this issue, and for relevant professionals to participate.

【Learning Objectives】

To understand the diagnostic criteria and clinical symptoms of hoarding disorder.
To explore the physiological, psychological, and social factors associated with hoarding disorder.
To learn about current effective clinical interventions for hoarding disorder.
How to help oneself or family and friends with hoarding tendencies.

【Speaker Introduction】
Chia-Ying Chou, PhD

Dr. Chia-Ying Chou is currently the Director and Clinical Psychologist at the San Francisco Center for Compassion Focused Therapies (SFCompassion). She was born and grew up in Taiwan and earned her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from National Taiwan University. Later, she pursued her passion for studying psychological trauma at University College London (UCL), where she obtained her PhD.

Hereafter, Dr. Chou conducted postdoctoral research focusing on hoarding disorder treatment at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Her current clinical work focuses on psychological therapy for individuals with hoarding disorder and for trauma-related cases.

Her therapy center is one of the few globally that specializes in hoarding disorder and integrates clinical practice with research. In addition to her clinical and research work, Dr. Chou also offers training and supervision for therapists who are interested in hoarding disorder and compassion-focused therapy. Her workshops, besides being held in the US, Canada, and Taiwan, also reach therapists in Europe who are interested in these topics.

Dr. Chou and her team are dedicated to destigmatizing hoarding disorder and providing educational resources. They manage the social media account @bettertreatmentforhoarding, which offers educational content and relevant resources. This account also serves as the dedicated hoarding disorder department within her therapy center.


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