「你要去哪裡?」 「我要去找自己。」
國際榮格分析心理學會(IAAP,International Association for Analytical Psychology)Router,心理實務工作與督導皆以深度心理分析、夢境解析與潛意識探索的邵湘雅諮商師,邀請我們帶著對自己的好奇、和紛彩筆紙張前來,她將帶我們探索榮格分析心理學及意識/ 無意識的世界 。
邵湘雅 Hsiang Ya Shao
國際榮格分析心理學會(IAAP,International Association for Analytical Psychology)Router,鍾愛榮格心理學,正往成為分析師的道路上前進著……。
【Jungian Psychological Analysis】Exploring the Home of the Individual Psyche (3 Sessions)
Speaker: Hsiang Ya Shao
【Class Introduction】
Leaving home and returning, drifting and setting.
The wanderings of real life reflect the inner pursuit of the self.
Leaving home externally may be returning home internally.
In this course, I will begin with Jung’s stories, discuss the development context of analytical psychology, and then explain the psyche map of Jungian psychology, as well as how to understand psychological traumas and life dilemmas from the perspective of analytical psychology. Focusing on understanding analytical psychology with image creation as a supplement, we will use active imagination to stimulate personal creativity, and use imagery and metaphors to understand consciousness and the unconscious, symbols, and archetypes. Furthermore, I will explain the anima and animus archetypes, and understand the psychological significance and unconscious influences of home, leaving home, and foreign lands from the perspective of psychic development and internal integration.
【Class Outline】
Understanding Psychological Trauma from a Jungian Analytical Psychology Perspective.
The Power of Unconscious: Personal Unconscious and Collective Unconscious.
The Anima and Animus Archetypes.
I invite you to come with curiosity about yourself and the unconscious, without any drawing skills required. We will meet virtually.
【Preparation Materials】
1. A box of color pens.
2. Three sheets of A4 drawing paper.
3. Three sheets of A4 paper (or notebook), pen.
【Speaker Introduction】
Hsiang Ya Shao
The International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) Router, is passionate about Jungian psychology, is progressing towards becoming an analyst. The focus of psychological practice and supervision includes depth psychological analysis, dream interpretation, subconscious exploration, and expressive arts therapy. Proficient in the use of aromatherapy, imagery, and sensory exploration to explore the unconsciousness.
For over a decade, she was invited to lead aromatherapy, emotional, and expressive arts workshops in medical institutions, social welfare organizations, universities, and corporate settings. Currently she is pursuing a Ph.D. in the Drama Department at National Taiwan University, with a primary focus on Chinese depth psychology and traditional opera.
Currently she is practicing as a counseling psychologist at Taipei City Xiangyang Mind-Body Clinic, serving as a contracted psychologist for counseling at the National Palace Museum and the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation. With over 15 years of experience in psychological work, previously worked as a psychologist for the Center for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention, and also worked with the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Focus areas include addressing developmental challenges in the mind, often dealing with issues related to trauma from the family of origin, emotional loss and grief, anxiety and depressive emotions, midlife transformation, and individualized development.
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