母性精神分析學者:梅蘭妮·克萊恩(Melanie Klein )曾於她的著作《嫉羨與感恩》中詳細探討人類「羨慕」和「嫉妒」的情感,它們存在於我們心理底層本能中,來自於我們嬰兒時期,是「與生俱來的」古老傳承。
羨嫉/羨慕 Envy
嫉妒 Jealousy
感恩 Gratitude
怨懟 Grievance
潛抑 Repression
破壞衝動 destructive impulses
林晴晴Ching-Ching Lin (Rose Lin)
《愛欲與文明》(Eros and Civilization) 譯者。
Have you ever felt “envious” or “jealous” of others?
Melanie Klein (1882-1960), a psychoanalyst specializing in maternal psychology, devoted herself to exploring human emotions of “envy” and “jealousy”. In her work “Envy and Gratitude” (1957), she detailed her observations on these emotions. She believed that these emotions exist in our deepest psychological instincts and are ancient, innate, and inherited, originating from our infantile object relationships.
In other words, for each of us, envy and jealousy are normal psychological states. However, why is it that when we encounter them, we often cannot coexist naturally with them, but instead find ourselves deeply entrenched and troubled by them? The key reason is that we have not truly understood the origin of envy and jealousy or the meaning of this “uncomfortable feeling” in our lives.
In this course, we will use psychoanalytic theory and mythological stories to understand the true nature of envy and jealousy. Through this, we can reflect on the blind spots in our social and cultural context and habitual ways of living, enabling us to face these real emotional reactions more freely and fearlessly.
Understand tenvy and jealousy in psychoanalytic theory and ancient mythology, and stimulate more thoughts on emotional life.
Destructive impulses
Ching-Ching Lin (Rose Lin)
Lecturer at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Institute of Women and Children’s Nursing, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Master’s degree
Ms. Lin is the translator of “Eros and Civilization.” She has been invited to speak at numerous online and offline lectures on psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Having spent over 15 years in medical services at National Medical Center, she has ben devoted to exploring social and psychological health issues related to women and children. She has two children and is skilled at integrating theory into life and seeking efearless and free possibilities beyond mainstream frameworks.
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