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【薩提爾模式陪伴者基礎課程】(三階段) (12堂)

美西(GMT -7) 02/06 18:00-09/24 21:00
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 540 USD
薩提爾模式陪伴者三之一 D (5)


錄取名額48名 : 正取48位 (完成報名繳費)。

即日起 請「正取會員」進入您的會員專區查看「所有購買紀錄」,已將您加入課程名單,請留意課前訊息。







如果你認同天安老師分享的薩提爾模式,並且運用這些方法(學習地圖的四個提 問、從期待進入渴望、和幼年的自己對話…)進行自我療癒有不錯的體驗,也想 陪伴他人進行這樣的「自我療癒」,那就歡迎你來一起交流!






需三階段一起報名,請務必先確認三階段課程皆可參加 & 可安排三人小組。


美西時間:2024/2/6. 13. 20. 27,18:00-21:00

美東時間:2024/2/6. 13. 20. 27,21:00-00:00

亞洲時間:2024/2/7. 14. 21. 28,10:00-13:00


美西時間:2024/6/18. 25. 以及 7/2. 9,18:00-21:00

美東時間:2024/6/18. 25. 以及 7/2. 9,21:00-00:00

亞洲時間:2024/6/19. 26. 以及 7/3.10,9:00-12:00


美西時間:2024/9/3. 10. 17. 24,18:00-21:00

美東時間:2024/9/3. 10. 17. 24,21:00-00:00

亞洲時間:2024/9/4. 11. 18. 25,9:00-12:00












最低 24人開班,上限48人額滿截止。(已額滿)


三階段課程共12堂課,USD 540






3.對冰山探索、轉化原生家庭經驗(如:和幼年自己對話)的方法,可以運用 在自己身上。





第一階段報名: 參與甄選審核者請填寫調查表單,內容越清楚越有利老師進行審核。

第二階段繳費 : 請自行留意mail信箱,通過審核者請收到invoice 繳費mail後在兩日內立即繳費,逾期視同棄權將由候補者取代。






●Google Forms :表單關閉,已額滿。

● 騰 訊 Forms : 表單關閉,已額滿。







張天安 / Tien-An Chang

臺灣薩提爾模式資深講師,現為花蓮沃土心理工作室負責人、薩提爾模式工作坊講師、心理教育的獨立工作者。長期跟隨薩提爾學派大師瑪莉亞.葛莫莉(Maria Gomori)博士於臺灣與中國各地教學,並擔任小組導師。近年來在臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞及中國等地受邀帶領薩提爾模式工作坊。



張天安 (7 1)

【Satir Model Companion Basic Course】(3-1),(4 Sessions)
Instructor:Tien-An Chang

【Course Introduction】
The Satir Model has become prominent in the Chinese community, and many individuals are eager to learn this approach to help others. However, often in their eagerness to assist others, they unintentionally neglect their own personal growth. Simultaneously, during the process of supporting others, they frequently fail to focus on addressing their own challenges and seeking technical improvement. As a result, they miss out on valuable opportunities for self-development and may feel frustrated in the process of assisting others.

It is said that many people, upon witnessing Mrs. Satir’s interactions with others, felt a sense of magic. In a short period, noticeable changes occurred, and individuals seemed to radiate brightness. As a result, her work was considered nothing short of miraculous. However, Mrs. Satir responded with great sincerity: “Many years ago, I found the match in my life through the candlelight in someone else’s heart, illuminating the candle within my own heart. Now, I use the candlelight within my heart to help others find the match in their lives, lighting the candle within their own hearts.”

What she wants to convey is that if we want to help others as she does, we can also light our own candle first and then accompany others in lighting their own candles. For me, the key is the “self-healing” of the companion because when we experience and understand the process of self-healing, we can better accompany others in their own self-healing. Please note my choice of words: to accompany others in their “self-healing” rather than to “heal others.”

【Course Description】
If you resonate with the Satir Model shared by Teacher Tien-An and have had positive experiences with self-healing using these methods (four key questions of the learning map, transitioning from expectations to desires, and engaging in dialogue with your younger self), and you also wish to accompany others in such ‘self-healing,’ then you are welcome to join us for discussions!

This course spans six months, divided into three stages of online classes (please refer to the instructions in the registration form for specific class times and requirements). Throughout the process, there will be numerous practices in groups of three, providing a more solid foundation for learning. If you are willing to invest this amount of time to implement your learning, you are welcome to further immerse yourself in this learning atmosphere.

Welcome friends who want to become Satir Model companions to join this course!

【Course Schedule】
The course spans six months and consists of three stages (four classes per stage, with only one allowed absence per stage). After each class, there will be group practices in groups of three. Participants need to sign up for all three stages together, so please make sure you can attend all three stages of the course and participate in practices in groups of three.
● Stage 1 Online Course (4 Sessions)
U.S. PST:2024/2/6. 13. 20. 27,18:00-21:00
U.S. EST:2024/2/6. 13. 20. 27,21:00-00:00
Asia Time:2024/2/7. 14. 21. 28,10:00-13:00
● Stage 2 Online Course (4 Sessions)
U.S. PST:2024/6/18. 25. & 7/2. 9,18:00-21:00
U.S. EST:2024/6/18. 25. & 7/2. 9,21:00-00:00
Asia Time:2024/6/19. 26. & 7/3.10,9:00-12:00
● Stage 3 Online Course (4 Sessions)
U.S. PST:2024/9/3. 10. 17. 24,18:00-21:00
U.S. EST:2024/9/3. 10. 17. 24,21:00-00:00
Asia Time:2024/9/4. 11. 18. 25,9:00-12:00

【Practice After Class】
● Group of three practice after class
1. During each of the three stages of the course period, there should be a meeting every week, at least once, with each meeting lasting a minimum of 2 hours.
2. For the post-class period of the first stage, between 2/28 and 6/19, there should be a minimum of three practice sessions, each lasting at least 3 hours, or the total duration should be 10 hours.
3. For the post-class period of the second stage, between 7/10 and 9/4, there should be a minimum of two practice sessions, each lasting at least 3 hours, or the total duration should be 7 hours.

【Course Requirements】
● Please consider this course as an in-person course. The camera needs to be turned on for the entire duration for active participation.
● For each of the three stages, a maximum of one absence is allowed during the four class sessions. Priority will be given to those who can attend all classes.
● Recordings are not available for post-class review and are only provided for participants who need to make up for missed classes due to approved leave (limited to once per stage).

【Enrollment capacity】
The class will start with a minimum of 24 people, and enrollment will be closed when it reaches the maximum of 48 people.

【Course Fee】
The three-stage course consists of a total of 12 sessions, USD540

【Course Format】
1. Online short lectures, participants sharing, personal experiences, group discussions, explorations and practices.

【Target Audience】
1. Individuals who have had ample experience in self-growth through the Satir Model and wish to learn how to accompany family, friends, or others.
2. Individuals who have taken at least two stages of Teacher Tien-An Chang’s online courses at “Dancing with the Elephant” or attended at least one in-person workshop that lasted for three consecutive days.
3. Able to apply methods for exploring the iceberg and transforming experiences from the original family (e.g., dialogues with your younger self) to oneself.
4. Have drawn a family map, a family life timeline, or self-learned and supplemented drawings, and must bring them to the course.
5. Priority will be given to those who can attend the entire course.

【Registration and Payment Methods】(2 Phages)
Phase One Registration: Participants applying for selection and screening, please fill out the survey form. The clearer the content, the more advantageous for the teacher’s evaluation.
Phase Two Payment: Please pay attention to your email inbox. Those who pass the screening should make the payment within two days. Failure to do so will be considered as forfeiting, and the spot will be replaced by a candidate on the waiting list.
● Kind Reminder: Please check your email spam folder or disable the email blocking function to avoid missing important notifications.

【Satir Model Companion Basic Course】Phase 1 Registration Form: https://forms.gle/3oQnXdb5d322CjQ78

【Course Notes】
1. This course is considered an in-person workshop, and the refund policies outlined in the “Online Registration Related Regulations” do not apply.
2. This course operates under a selection and screening mechanism. Once payment is completed, no refunds or transfers to others will be accepted.
3. In the case of emergency hospitalization due to illness, please notify customer service in writing by email before the course starts. Attach the hospitalization certificate or a doctor’s statement to process a refund (with a 10% handling fee deducted).
4. Refunds or transfers will not be considered for any other situations.

Tien-An Chang

Tina-An Chang is a senior Satir Model trainer in Taiwan. He is currently the director of the Hualien Wotu Psychological Studio and a Satir model workshop lecturer and independent practitioner of psychological education. He has long followed Dr. Maria Gomori, a master of the Satir model, and has taught in Taiwan and various parts of China, serving as a group mentor. In recent years, he has been invited to lead Satir model workshops in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and China.

Tian-An Chang holds a master’s degree in psychology from Fu Jen Catholic University and is a licensed counselor. He has worked as an action counselor at the Hualien Secret Garden Counseling Center, a part-time counseling psychologist at the Counseling Center of Tunghai University, a part-time counseling psychologist at the Hualien County Student Counseling Center, and a part-time psychologist at various social welfare organizations such as the Hualien Family Assistance Association and the Mustard Seed Youth Home. He has also served as a counseling teacher in multiple educational institutions.

Specialties: Interpersonal conflicts, emotional distress such as depression and anger, adult self-exploration, marriage and family relationships. His work includes individual counseling, NPO volunteer training, parent growth groups, teacher support and growth groups, and leading workshops on Satir growth models.


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舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



