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【視力煉心術-眼睛瑜珈 Level 2】(5堂)

美西(GMT -7) 2023/09/04 17:00-2023/10/02 18:00
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 20 USD
視力煉心術 眼睛瑜珈level2 B (1400 × 900 像素)

2099-09-09 00:00

視力可以逆轉嗎?【視力煉心術-眼睛瑜珈 Leve2】蘇柏蓉老師就做到了!


林祺海老師在舞象開了【視力煉心術-眼睛瑜珈 Level1】之後,參與學員迴響熱烈,在課堂中的體驗與操練,帶來的是身心靈上的復甦感受。與老師師出同源的蘇柏蓉老師,接力開課【視力煉心術-眼睛瑜珈 Leve2】,幫助新學員、舊學員都可以在這堂課中有更豐富的體驗與收穫。

一般的視力保健,只著重在眼睛周圍穴道按摩,而眼睛瑜珈 Amar Eye Yoga 眼睛瑜珈冥想的操練,則更重視內在與外在,心靈與身體的共同運作。這五堂課將帶著學員覺察慣性、活化呼吸、飲食和睡眠等全方位地去照顧視力。



  • 請不要配戴隱形眼鏡,可戴眼鏡。
  • 會有身體實作,請穿著寬鬆舒適的衣服前來。
  • 不要吃太飽,以免昏昏欲睡喔。


第一堂 反思定位-你的眼睛問題來自內在

第二堂 覺察慣性-你在用心看還是用力看

第三堂 活化呼吸-你的呼吸決定你的眼神

第四堂 慢活飲食-你想身體快活必先慢活

第五堂 平靜睡眠-你的環境光必影響眼光


Apo Su 蘇柏蓉

  • 靈魂之窗眼睛瑜珈 Amar Eye Yoga 眼睛瑜珈冥想引導師
  • 皮紋檢測天賦測評師/講師、人類圖分析師、心智圖認證講師
  • 本身受益於許多自然療法,如芳療、音療、食療、綠色療癒、靜心冥想等,將其整合進諮商和課程讓療癒體驗更完整。
  • 2020年第一次上完眼睛瑜珈工作坊,課後練習眼睛瑜珈不到三個禮拜近視度數從600多度降到375度,散光從200多度降到125度,從此愛上自然視力療法,並與Marx老師一起研發設計更多相關課程和影音,希望更多人受益於得來不易的眼睛瑜珈。

蘇柏蓉apo Su

【Eye Yoga-Daily Care and Health Maintenance】(5 sessions)

Speaker: Apo Su

The eyes and the mind are inseparable. Eye yoga will let everyone understand the relationship between the eyes and the whole body step by step according to different themes. In each class there will be practical exercises to help everyone adjust their body and mind in order to make it easier to integrate eye yoga into life.

【Lesson Outline】

Lesson 1 Reflection of positioning – your eye problems come from within

Lesson 2 Awareness of habits – Are you looking with your heart or with your strength?

Lesson 3 Vitalization of breathing – your breath determines the spirit of your eyes

Lesson 4 Slow Diet – If you want your body to be happy, you must first live at a slow pace

Lesson 5 Peaceful Sleep – Your ambient light affects your eyesight

【Speaker Profile】

Apo Su

  • Amar Eye Yoga Eye Yoga Meditation Instructor
  • Dermatoglyph detection talent tester/lecturer, human map analyst, mind map certified lecturer
  • I benefit from many natural therapies, such as aromatherapy, sound therapy, diet therapy, green healing, meditation, etc., and integrate them into consultations and courses to make the healing experience more complete.
  • After the first eye yoga workshop in 2020, after practicing eye yoga for less than three weeks, the degree of myopia dropped from more than 600 degrees to 375 degrees, and the degree of astigmatism dropped from more than 200 degrees to 125 degrees. Since then, I have fallen in love with natural vision therapy , and work with Mr. Marx to develop and design more related courses and videos, hoping that more people will benefit from the hard-won eye yoga.

[Notes] Please read carefully before class:

  • Please do not wear contact lenses, and glasses are acceptable.
  • There will be actual practice. Please participate in loose and comfortable clothes.
  • Do not eat too much to prevent drowsiness.


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