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美西(GMT -7) 2023/08/04 18:30-2023/09/01 20:30
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 40 USD
非暴力溝通初階與運用 B (1400 × 900 像素)



著名的盧森堡博士發現 ,透過平和的非暴力溝通方式 (又稱善意溝通) 談話和聆聽,能使我們情意相通,樂於互助,並使人們獲得愛、和諧和幸福!!專長領域在非暴力溝通的陳梅慧諮商心理師,以阿德勒及後現代取向的觀點來看待每一個人,她認為一個人若有機會被傾聽、理解、接納後,會提高個人的主體性與自我價值感,更有勇氣去面對自己的人生挑戰與考驗,成為更有力量的人。在「非暴力溝通初階與運用」課程裡,老師不僅會傳達非暴力溝通的主要精神,還會帶您認識其四個基本元素: 觀察、感受、需要和請求。







* 非暴力溝通的主要精神

* 非暴力溝通的四個基本元素

n 觀察 vs 評論

n 感受 vs 想法/看法

n 需要vs 策略

n 請求 vs 命令

* 生活實例的實作與運用




陳梅慧 /Merian Chen


◼ 國立清華大學教育心理與諮商碩士在職專班

◼ 國立臺灣大學電機工程研究所

◼ 國立交通大學電子工程系 學士


◼ 中華民國諮商心理師高考合格(諮心字第003977號)


◼ 能清安欣身心科診所 諮商心理師

◼ 杜華心苑心理諮商所 諮商心理師、企業或學校心衛講師、遊戲治療師

◼ 台灣大學電資學院駐點心理師

◼ 新竹家扶中心方案諮商心理師

◼ 新竹張老師中心合作心理師、義張督導、企業或學校心衛講座講師


◼ 諮商哲學:以阿德勒、非暴力溝通及後現代取向的觀點來看待每一個人,認為一個人若有機會被傾聽、理解、接納後,會提高個人的主體性與自我價值感,更有


◼ 專長領域:非暴力溝通、親子關係、親密關係、自我探索、憂鬱情緒、焦慮情緒、強迫行為、拒學、生涯選擇與探索、職場適應、失落與創傷、生命意義探索等議題。

◼ 服務對象:兒童、青少年、大專學生、成人、伴侶、親子、家庭、企業員工…等。

◼ 服務方式:個別諮商、伴侶或家庭諮商、企業員工諮詢、團體諮商、工作坊等。


8/18 休息一次

【Nonviolent Communication Fundamentals and Application】 (4 sessions)
Instructor:Merian Chen

Course Objectives:
To share the theory and principles of Nonviolent Communication (also known as Compassionate Communication) and assist participants in applying them in their personal lives. This course aims to enhance personal self-efficacy, thereby allowing participants to connect with themselves, establish connections with others, and experience more love and goodwill in their lives.

Course Delivery:
l Online lectures to teach concepts and facilitate interaction.
l Real time role-playing discussions.

Course Outline:
l The purpose of communication
l The common obstacles and challenges in communication
l The four essential elements of Nonviolent Communication
n Observations vs Judgements/Evaluations
n Feelings vs Thoughts/Opinions
n Needs vs Strategies
n Requests vs Commands/Demands

【Instructor Introduction】
Merian Chen

◼ On-the-job special class for Master of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Tsing Hua University
◼ Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
◼ Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Professional qualifications
◼ Passed the college entrance examination for counseling psychologists in the Republic of China (Zixin Zi No. 003977)
Current positions
◼ Provence Psychiatric Clinic Mental Health Department Counseling Psychologist
◼ Dowd’s Love Psychological Counseling Center Counseling psychologist, heart health lecturer for enterprises or schools, and play-based therapist
◼ Resident Psychologist at College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Taiwan University
◼ Hsinchu Family Support Center Counseling Psychologist
◼ Collaborative psychologist at Teacher Zhang Center in Hsinchu, supervisor of Yi Zhang, lecturer of heart health lectures in enterprises or schools
Counseling Related Experience
◼ Counseling psychologist for the Catholic Blue Sky Home Program
◼ Cooperative Lecturer of Parenting Course for Modern Women’s Foundation
◼ Leader of Parent Book club and Teacher Workshop at Saint Peter Senior High School
◼ Mental Health Lecturer, Yuanpei University
◼ Mental Health Lecturer, Feng Chia University
◼ Mental Health Lecturer, Chiao Tung University
◼ Full-time Intern Psychologist at Provence Psychiatric Clinic
◼ Part-time Intern Counseling Psychologist at United Psychological Services
Other Experiences
◼ Sunplus Technology CAD Engineer for five years
◼ UniSVR Global Information Technology Corp. PM Engineer for two years
◼ R&D Engineer of ASUS Computer for five years
Professional Services
◼ Counseling Philosophy: Look at everyone from the perspectives of Adler, non-violent communication and postmodern orientation, and believe that if a person has the opportunity to be listened to, understood, and accepted, it will improve the individual’s subjectivity, sense of self-worth, and courage to face one’s own challenges and tests in life and to become a more powerful person.
◼ Areas of expertise: non-violent communication, parent-child relationship, intimate relationship, self-exploration, depression, anxiety, compulsive behavior, school refusal, career choice and exploration, workplace adaptation, loss and trauma, exploration of life meaning, etc.
◼ Clients: children, teenagers, college students, adults, couples, parents and children, families, corporate employees, etc.
◼ Service methods: individual counseling, couple or family counseling, corporate etc.

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●客服信箱: [email protected]



舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



