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美西(GMT -7) 09/27 18:00-20:00
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US$ 10 USD
李崇建+張輝誠的薩提爾學習之路 B


















張輝誠 (1)


Chung-Chiene Lee & HuiCheng Chang’s Satir Learning Path: Paying Tribute to the Good Teachers and Friends Along the Way (Single Session)
Host: Jessica

【Course Introduction】

Both teachers, Chung-Chiene Lee and HuiCheng Chang without backgrounds in psychological counseling, have nevertheless become significant catalysts for Satir in their daily and familial dialogues. Are you curious about how they learned along the way? Which teachers had a profound influence on them?

In circles of personal and spiritual growth, terms like “masters” and “gurus” often appear, yet accompanying them are occasional reports of financial scams, making headlines in the social media. How does one choose a good teacher? Let’s hear what these two teachers have to day.

【Q & A Time】
Host will control the timing

【Instructor Bio】
Chung-Chiene Lee

Chung-Chiene Lee serves as an educational consultant for Hong Kong Nature School, Malaysia Dexin School, Malaysia Little Tree Learning Garden, as well as an advisor for the Satir Whole Person Development Association of Malaysia and a board member of the Sharestart Educational Foundation of Taiwan. He is also a long-term collaborative instructor with the Dancing with the Elephant Foundation of U.S..

Graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature, Tunghai University in Taiwan, he once worked as a plasterer, a laborer, and a hotel waiter. It took him five college entrance examinations before he was finally admitted to the Department of Chinese Literature of Tunghai University. His mother left the family when he was ten years old, and he grew up amidst the scars of his broken family, shaping his unique experiences and personality.

With twenty years of study in the Satir family therapy and experiences gained from dialogs with tens of thousands of students, parents, and individuals, Teacher Li Chong Jian has become a legendary figure in the Chinese-speaking world for his role in promoting Satir Iceberg Dialogues. He has helped many families who are deeply troubled in getting along to get out of the difficulties step by step, influencing the reconciliation and change of these families, personal growth, and harmonious marital relationships.

【Instructor Bio】
Dr. HuiCheng Chang
Dr. Chang is a literature Ph.D. from National Taiwan Normal University and teacher at Taipei City Zhongshan Girls High School. He is also a literature writer, and his works have won awards such as the Times Literary Award and the Liang Shih-chiu Literary Award. His prose collections include “Xiang Wang Yu Jianghu ”, “My Beloved Mother”, “The Parting Elegy”, and “The Elder Yu’s True spirits”.
Dr. Chang has achieved great success in teaching, winning the Department of Education’s Teaching Excellence Award and introducing “ShareStart Teaching Method” in September 2013. He was the trailblazer to advocate for an “open classroom” teaching approach. He established “Sharestart Teaching Community” on Facebook, where more than 20,000 teachers, parents, students and scholars engage in professional teaching discussions. With support from the ChengZhi Education Foundation, they built a platform for “Sharestart”, which broke down inter-school barriers and allowed for sharing teaching materials. Dr. Chang has been invited to share the “Sharestart” teaching methods in places throughout Taiwan, Singapore, Shandong, Nanjing, and Macau, paving the way for educational reform in the Chinese-speaking world.


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