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美西(GMT -7) 03/04 16:00-04/01 17:30
  • 活動 已過期
US$ 25 USD

2099-09-09 00:00


有沒有發現,初來世間的小寶寶們似乎都有清亮的雙眼,無盡的好奇心,對外部世界完全敞開,專注地觀察,, 自然地回應, 一哭一笑都極富感染力;而隨著年歲漸長,成人的心卻都越來越疲累,對世界的感受越來越遲鈍麻木,對生活漸漸失去了新奇新鮮的感受?

你有沒有覺得深深遺憾? 假如我們可以通過按摩,練習,重拾五感的敏銳,面對世界可以重溫“人生若只如初見”的美好感受,你願不願意嘗試?

舞象推出深受學員好評的五感按摩之旅課程,邀請大家參與, 用愛與慈悲給辛勞的五感做輕柔地按摩, 喚醒昏睡的心, 煥發面對世界的新奇和熱情。

任課老師蘇柏蓉老師是一位眼睛瑜珈冥想引導師,也是皮紋檢測天賦測評師/講師、人類圖分析師、心智圖認證講師. 她自己受益於許多自然療法,如芳療、音療、食療、綠色療癒、靜心冥想等,將其整合進諮商和課程讓療癒體驗更完整。她本人修習眼睛瑜伽後, 視力各方面大幅度變好, 從此愛上自然視力療法,並與自己的老師一起研發設計更多相關課程和影音,希望更多人受益。

誠邀有興趣的同學給自己一個機會, 跟著老師一起, 學習有效的方法, 呵護自己的眼睛和消化系統呼吸系統, 通過讓身體五感復甦,以身帶動心, 提振身心,以新的機能感受不一樣的世界和人生.

五感按摩之旅, 等你來體驗。

– 頭部舒壓呼吸法。
– 深入了解眼周和頭部按摩對啟發創意和提升能量的影響。
– 頭部舒壓瑜珈體位法和眼睛訓練。
– 學習運用穴道按摩技巧,緩解頭痛、增進專注力,喚醒頭部能量中心。

– 肩頸舒壓呼吸法。
– 探討現代生活中肩頸緊張的根本原因。
– 學習肩部按摩和穴道按摩技巧,釋放身體中的疲勞與緊繃。
– 強調肩頸瑜珈對提升靈活度和身心平衡的影響。

– 強化肺部呼吸法,了解深呼吸對肺部健康的重要性。
– 學習使用穴道按摩釋放肺部緊繃感、促進氣息流動,激發呼吸系統的能量。
– 深層呼吸瑜珈體位法和眼睛訓練。

– 探討壓力對胃部的影響以及解決之道。
– 學習舒緩腹部不適感的按摩和穴道按摩技巧。
– 促進消化系統的瑜珈體位法。

– 探討睡眠對整體健康的綜合影響。
– 學習使用按摩,為身體創造安心的環境。
– 全身舒壓瑜珈體位法和眼睛訓練。


Apo Su 蘇柏蓉

●靈魂之窗眼睛瑜珈 Amar Eye Yoga 眼睛瑜珈冥想引導師

蘇柏蓉apo Su


Eye Yoga Mind-Body Experience: A Journey of Sensory Massage (5 sessions)

Speaker: Apo Su

【Course Outlines/Introduction】
First Class
Topic: Source of Inspiration: Activating Head Energy
– Head relaxation breathing techniques.
– In-depth understanding of the impact of eye and head massage on inspiring creativity and enhancing energy.
– Head relaxation yoga postures and eye training.
– Learn to use acupressure massage techniques to relieve headaches, improve focus, and awaken the energy center in the head.

Second Class
Topic: Flying Shoulders: Liberating Body and Mind Burdens
– Shoulder and neck relaxation breathing techniques.
– Explore the fundamental reasons for shoulder and neck tension in modern life.
– Learn shoulder massage and acupressure techniques to release fatigue and tension in the body.
– Emphasize the impact of shoulder and neck yoga on improving flexibility and achieving body-mind balance.

Third Class
Topic: Breath Freedom: Activating Lung Vitality
– Strengthen lung breathing techniques and understand the importance of deep breathing for lung health.
– Learn acupressure techniques to release tension in the lungs, promote airflow, and stimulate the energy of the respiratory system.
– Deep breathing yoga poses and eye training.

Fourth Class
Topic: Harmony in the Abdomen: Calming the Rapids of Stress
– Explore the impact of stress on the stomach and solutions.
– Learn massage and acupressure techniques to alleviate abdominal discomfort.
– Promote yoga poses for the digestive system.

Fifth Class
Topic: A Night of Tranquility: A Deep Journey to Relieve Fatigue
– Explore the comprehensive impact of sleep on overall health.
– Learn massage techniques to create a soothing environment for the body.
– Full-body relaxation yoga poses and eye exercises.

【Speaker Profile】
Apo Su
●Amar Eye Yoga Eye Yoga Meditation Instructor
●Dermatoglyph detection talent tester/lecturer, human map analyst, mind map certified lecturer
●I benefit from many natural therapies, such as aromatherapy, sound therapy, diet therapy, green healing, meditation, etc., and integrate them into consultations and courses to make the healing experience more complete.
●After the first eye yoga workshop in 2020, after practicing eye yoga for less than three weeks, the degree of myopia dropped from more than 600 degrees to 375 degrees, and the degree of astigmatism dropped from more than 200 degrees to 125 degrees. Since then, I have fallen in love with natural vision therapy , and work with Mr. Marx to develop and design more related courses and videos, hoping that more people will benefit from the hard-won eye yoga.
[Notes] Please read carefully before class:
●Please do not wear contact lenses, and glasses are acceptable.
●There will be actual practice. Please participate in loose and comfortable clothes.
● Do not eat too much to prevent drowsiness.

【Notes】Please read carefully before class:
▲3/10 (Sun) 2:00 Daylight Saving Time begins, and Standard Time ends. Members in the Asia time zone, please pay attention to any changes in the course schedule.
●Suggested items to prepare: Well-blended massage oil or unblended essential oils and carrier oils (brand is your choice).
●Recommended massage oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Peppermint (not recommended for the face).
●Recommended carrier oils: Jojoba oil, Sweet Almond oil, Fractionated Coconut oil.
●Please do not wear contact lenses; glasses are acceptable.
●There will be hands-on activities, please wear loose and comfortable clothing.
●Avoid eating too much beforehand to prevent feeling overly sleepy.


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舞象instagram : https://bit.ly/3TlVKLJ



