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青春期發生了什麼 Donna (3)




看陳醫師如何從孩子的身體,心靈,腦,跟內分泌來破解他們的青春風暴,了解他們為了迎接未來的挑戰,為了變成獨立的成人,正在經歷什麼,看看我們可以從哪些觀點去看, 才能夠找到與他們相處的方法;有時孩子有了秘密或說了謊、或是在網路上交友,其實是一種成長的表現,若孩子在變,作家長的我們卻放不下身段,當主動了解的一方, 結果就只會將孩子越推越遠,甚至親子衝突,造成憾事。


2000 5ce2c82b223a3


1.青春期的腦內風暴 [變化]:這堂課給大家一個基礎的「親職性教育」認識,可當作第一哩路的總複習(去年秋天的第一哩路同學來喔~),也給沒有上過怡如醫師講座的新朋友們,一個暖身的開始。親子依附關係將迎來什麼變化?我們著重「設定界線」「青春期的腦」「關係轉移」。

2.賀爾蒙的把戲 [多元] :孩子即將迎來的身體變化你接招了嗎?現代社會「性別」的詮釋讓你頭昏腦脹嗎?性別作為動詞,賀爾蒙是推手。性別定義已然和我們成長時代的定 義大大不同。如何孩子一起進步,與時代同步更新系統,是逃不開的課題了。

3.情感教育也談科學? [情感] :「情感教育」已經納入世界各國的青少年教育,甚至國小中高年級常常有「誰喜歡誰~」「誰跟誰是男女朋友」這樣的耳語在流傳…父母親該如 何面對呢?你不需要孤單面對這一切,有許多數位與紙本的資源可以幫助我們,怡如醫師一一解密。

4.秘密與謊言的心理學 [秘密]:漸漸發現孩子有秘密了?這時候父母往往很緊張,希望孩子永遠對自己坦承所有…孩子有了秘密或說了謊,其實都是成長的表現。父母親的職責是什麼呢?我們來談什麼是好秘密 / 壞秘密,什麼是善意的謊言,以及在青春期有什麼意義。

5.α世代新人類的人際關係 [網路]:「我高年級的女兒,好像跟朋友在玩網路交友…怎麼辦?」你知道什麼是Z世代,α世代嗎?這些數位原住民的社交方式,對你來說很陌生 嗎?我們該怎麼樣面對手機,網路,自媒體,對孩子在交友,性與性別上的影響呢?爸爸媽媽一起來,知識就是不焦慮的力量。

陳怡如 / Yi Ju Chen

創立SWEE Academy致力家庭性教育/女性健康


Teenage Years, What’s Going On? (5 Sessions)
Instructor: Chen Yiru

【Course Objectives】
In these five classes, we will delve into neuroscience, hormones, psychology, emotional education, and the rapidly evolving field of internet science, all from the perspective of teenagers, to help parents understand what exactly adolescents experience during puberty and come up with a plan to accompany them.

【Course Outline】
1. The Brainstorm of Adolescence [Change]: This class provides everyone with a basic understanding of “parenting education,” serving as a review for those who attended last year’s first session and as a warm-up for new friends who haven’t attended Dr. Yiru’s classes before. What changes will occur to the parent-child attachment? We emphasize “setting boundaries,” “adolescent brain,” and “relationship transitions”.

2. Hormonal Tricks [Diversity]: Are you ready for the physical changes your child is about to experience? Does the modern interpretation of “gender” make your head spin? Gender as a verb, hormones as the driving force. The definition of gender has significantly changed from our upbringing. How can we progress with our children and synchronize with the times? This is an unavoidable topic.

3. Emotional Education is Science? [Emotion]: “Emotional education” has been incorporated into youth education worldwide, with whispers like “who likes who” and “who is dating who” often heard even in elementary and middle school grades… How should parents face this? You don’t need to face this alone; there are many digital and paper resources that can help us, and Dr. Yiru will decrypt them one by one.

4. Psychology of Secrets and Lies [Secrets]: Have you noticed that your child is keeping secrets? At this point, parents often get anxious, hoping that their child will always be honest with them… When children have secrets or tell lies, it’s actually a sign of growth. What is the responsibility of parents? Let’s discuss what constitutes good secrets/bad secrets, what constitutes white lies, and their significance during adolescence.

5. The Interpersonal Relationships of the Alpha(α) Generation [Internet]: “My high school daughter seems to be making friends online… What should I do?” Do you know what the Z generation and the α generation are? You are probably not familiar with the social behaviors of these digital natives. How should we deal with phones, the internet, and social media, and their impact on our children’s friendships, sexuality, and gender? Let’s face it together, knowledge is the power of not being anxious. (The above is the course plan, subject to adjustment based on circumstances.)

【Instructor’s Words】
As children grow older, many parents with teenagers often express their frustration:
“The child has changed.”
“Is it him or is it me with the problem?”
“Should I go see a doctor myself, or should he go?”
“I just can’t stand it.”

These questions and comments reveal a lack of understanding about adolescence.
Indeed, your child is experiencing an adolescent storm. His body, mind, brain, and hormones are undergoing tremendous changes, preparing him for the challenges of the future, for becoming an independent adult.

From what perspectives should we find a way to get along? As children change, if parents do not take the initiative to understand, the result is that they will push their children further away.

I believe in evidence-based medicine science and hope to empower everyone. Helping modern parents avoid detours, identify blind spots, reduce conflicts, and find ways to get along with their children sooner. Parents of young children, you are fortunate. Cultivating deep relationships and fostering open learning from a young age will pave the way for better sex education and many others.


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