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美西(GMT -7) 06/26 18:00-20:00
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駱以軍vs鄭穎 B

你是否曾經想過,透文學作品和故宮文物來滋養生命嗎? 你知道,你是可以透過它們跨越時空感受時代與生命的美麗嗎?

千載難逢的機會來了,舞象隆重邀請文青夫妻檔公開對話–駱以軍與鄭穎。他們要親自告訴你,讀哪一本經典著作,人生從此不同; 到台北故宮,哪些文物非看不可?


說到清代任帝的玩具箱-多寶格,你回憶起小時珍愛的小鐵皮盒子嗎? 還是,包裝非常精美的喜餅禮盒? 屬於你的多寶格裡,盡是你的鍾愛的寶物,每一次當你取時把玩著,凝視著,回味美好的記憶。


駱以軍,他認為小說帶領我們一件非常重要的事情,是共情,是他感 – 離開自我中心,離開自己小小的經驗、體會、感受,隨著經典小說家好看又精彩的小說,進到更多的人的多樣性中,進到不同的角色。


喜歡小說的你,聽到這些名作家,感受到心跳加速了嗎? 回憶起閱讀時的美好嗎? 對人心、愛議題感興趣的你,一定不錯過,邀請你來聽聽以感性與知性兼具聞名的以軍分享會,一場輕鬆,一點都不嚴肅評論的散文分享,與讀者交心,並且打開對世界與自我內裡的深層連結。

















Luo Yijun vs. Zheng Ying: A Literary Couple – How Literary Works and National Palace Museum Artifacts Nourish Life (Single Session)

Host: Jessica

Authors: Luo Yijun, Zheng Ying

One is a heavyweight writer in Taiwanese literature – Teacher Luo Yijun. Recalling the early days of literary enlightenment in his youth, facing the perplexing threats of existence, how did he experience the “initial shock” of reading novels! Through 26 classic in-depth discussions, he empathizes with readers, unfolding the brilliant connections of the human heart with love and the world.
The other is the foremost guide for the National Palace Museum’s national treasures – Teacher Zheng Ying. She takes you through the corridors of time to experience the vicissitudes of history and the beautiful faces of different eras. Riding on the wings of cultural relics, she reveals the stunning beauty of those times.

It is already a rare opportunity to invite either one, but this time, both will be on stage together, creating a “nuclear explosion of beauty” for everyone. The fusion of literature and artifacts, the intersection and empathy of history and time…

Since the 1980s, Teacher Luo Yijun has been constantly summoned to the disciplinary office by school officers, deeply immersed in the frenzied and tumultuous youth of a street brawler in Taipei. How did he nourish himself through reading, spinning among various writers and classics, and under the gaze of the novel’s eye, open a profound connection to the world and his inner self? When he talks about literature, the frenzy and enchantment in his eyes are something that those who have never heard him speak about literature cannot comprehend.

People who know Teacher Luo Yijun and have read his novels often ask him a question: “You look so much like Zhong Kui, and your novels are so terrifying. Can your wife handle it? How is it possible for her to live with someone who is constantly immersed in and creating works in the vein of Dostoevsky, Kafka, Borges, Márquez, Rushdie, Kawabata, Akutagawa, Ōe, and Mishima—these nightmares of 20th-century Western literature? As the closest person to such a novelist, can she really bear it?” Some even ask, “How has she survived?”

Teacher Zheng Ying is like Miaoyu in Dream of the Red Chamber. Despite all the hardships she has endured in life, she remains a very shy, pristine, soft-spoken classical beauty. She has a secret mental retreat, a secret garden—the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The ancient artifacts provide her with a calming and quiet strength, enabling her to cope with various agitations. Listening to Zheng Ying talk about the National Palace Museum artifacts is like following her into the depths of history, salvaging the hulls of enormous ancient ships from three thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, one thousand years ago, four hundred years ago, two hundred years ago. Those vividly lifelike, exquisitely radiant civilizations seem to have lived just yesterday.

This is not a serious literary analysis or a professional tour of the National Palace Museum. Rather, it is an inspired and free-flowing sharing of the beauty evoked by classics and artifacts, much like how a pearl is formed by a grain of sand in an oyster. We invite you to listen to the sincere narratives of these two teachers. We guarantee you will be captivated, enchanted, and left wanting more.


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